Law firms - and indeed most professional firms - are great at generating content.  But is it a 'Hollywood Blockbuster' or 'straight to TV'? 

Content marketing has been at the heart of law firm marketing for, well, ever.

Twenty-five years ago, in my first job at Wilde Sapte, it had a document library where lawyers shared their knowledge and insights with clients - all smartly bound and dropped into the post.  Time and care was given to every document. 

Today, lawyers and firms blog as if their lives depended on it.  The need for a content strategy, integrated into a firm's PR programme, and driven by wider BD aims is now a must. 

Every strategy is going to be different, but here are some things to consider: 

  • Who writes?  Are you happy to have anyone and everyone writing?  Do you engage a professional writer?
  • Who decides content? Lawyers may get excited by some technical legal argument, but will clients? Who decided what makes the cut?
  • How published? On a firm's website, LinkedIn, pushed directly to clients?
  • How else can it be used?  Press and PR, firm's newsletters?

I would argue that law firms generating a lot of content look to the publishing industry.  Appoint an editor, use professional writers, nurture talented writers, consider what sectors and issues you want to address, ask what do you want to be famous for, and look to measure results. 

That way you will ensure that Hollywood blockbuster - perhaps.