What's not to like about a vegan diet? It's healthy, socially conscious and more sustainable, so why is the Government not doing more to support British farmers and growers to feed this demand and how can they identify with and feed this growing and influential consumer group of the future?
An interesting communications challenge ahead for the rural sector and also a business challenge to recruit a workforce to achieve this, as fruit, vegetable and salad crops require a seasonal workforce.
“Whether it is alt-rights on 4Chan or social justice warriors on Tumblr, more and more of our social spaces and values are being shaped by the influence of special interest groups that offer a sense of belonging through shared beliefs.” She says veganism does this in a “super-simple and effective way”. “One rule to follow – no animal products – and you can say a lot about the generation and political belief system you belong to. It’s shorthand perfect for a global generation of digital identity builders. But it’s not all cynical – it’s also a sign of an engaged and conscious generation that is genuinely more interested in ethics at large than their parents were.”