Professional services and video rarely make good bedfellows. But if the FT's Aphavilla can do this, why not law or accountancy.
Take a few minutes to watch and be inspired.
For one! Night! Only! An event that fuses film noir with performance finance. Somewhere on the British archipelago, around Whitechapel. (Wilton's Music Hall). July 26th, 2019. About 7-ish. (May contain BBC filmmaker Adam Curtis, comedian Josh Weller, soprano turned financial pundit Frances Coppola, former bassist from Whales in Cubicles Jamie Powell, former and current singer turned Channel islands correspondent Jemima Kelly, Tom Hale (Grade 8 Piano/Grade 8 Music Theory) and one mystery devastatingly powerful global influencer. Other former and current FT Alphaville staff may also make an appearance.