We know that thought leadership is an effective tool for building market awareness, reputation and credibility. But it can achieve so much more. When deployed in the right way, selecting the right topics, targeting clients directly with personalised content, and creating visually engaging matter, thought leadership can strengthen a personal brand, showcase multiple professionals in your firm, and position experts in your firm as client-focused commercial advisers.
Coast is thrilled to be joining Meridian West for a masterclass that will take you through the fundamentals and best practice of thought leadership from ideation to execution and how personalisation can create an impact.
The session will include invaluable tips and advice from experts on how to design and implement a thought leadership campaign with impact for your firm. Meridian West will also introduce you to their unique Ideas Lab framework for thought leadership planning.
To join this webinar, visit https://www.meridianwest.co.uk/events/webinar-ideas-to-impact-thought-leadership-is-getting-personal/.