The murky world of influencer marketing is splashed across The Times today with 'social influencer' Luka Sabbatt (who?) being sued by a PR firm for, er, not having enough influence. 

The eye-watering amounts of money consumer brands spend with influencers for a plug on social media is utterly bizarre. 

It is largely unmeasurable by brands owners and seems to do nothing more than to line of the pockets of self-styled social media celebs.  

A splash of celebrity star dust has, of course, always worked wonders for a product or brand and influencer marketing can trace its roots back to the earliest days of Hollywood. 

The Royal Warrant on products is perhaps the ultimate in influencer marketing. Yet, like the Royal Warrant, genuine influencers take an increasingly discerning approach to brand associations, and this undoubtedly creates opportunities for the self-styled influencers, like Luka. 

And here is the rub: they just do not care about the brands they are being asked to plug (to be fair, it also seems that nobody else cared about Snapchat's Spectacles). How can you influence buyers if you don't give a toss about the product yourself?