PwC has published its excellent annual Global Investor Survey. It is always an excellent source of insight and commentary, and this year's survey is no different.
Of the many findings, the one that particularly caught my eye is the continued failings of companies to communicate effectively with investors and other stakeholders.
I find that astonishing. The world's largest businesses are well served by excellent communications professionals. So what is going wrong?
It appears that messaging and communications around support for innovation and cyber security are not hitting home.
Of all the challenges facing global business, this one is surely one of the easiest to address and get right.
PwC's 20th global investor survey can be found via the following link:
This year’s research identified a number of areas in which companies can improve their communications with investment professionals and other stakeholders, including their approaches to supporting innovation, the need for a strong corporate purpose and values, and steps being taken to prevent cyber-attacks and data breaches.