Really interesting story which doesn't just look at the trustworthiness of the press but also other sectors of society.
Lawyers are hovering at just over 50%, whilst hairdressers come in at 68% and the ordinary person on the street at 65%.
No one of course when asked the question of who they trust more, would question the level of experience of that group. They also wouldn't question the source of the information the group relies on who they trust.
The question of trust moving forward is a really important one for all organisations. This snapshot shows to me that all businesses need to take a look at themselves and what people think. They can't change the view of a sector, but they can influence what people think of them individually.
A YouGov poll for Royal Charter-backed press regulator Impress suggests trust in national newspaper journalism has halved over the last ten years. The survey asked how much people trusted journalists on red-top tabloids, mid-market tabloids and up-market titles to tell the truth. The average total for national newspapers was 18 per cent.