Whether or not you accept the idea of millennials as a distinct sector of society (and I am not sure that I do), there can be no doubt that the work place is changing, and will continue to do so.  

The days of a job for life - enjoyed by my parents - has long since disappeared. So too has the idea of working 9-5. 

Portfolio careers are increasing common, as are young entrepreneurs. No more do millennials or Generation Z believe they need to earn their spurs before going alone.  

This poses some real challenges for some of the more traditional professions.  How should, for example, law and accountancy firms react?

Does the 10-year slog with a vague promise of partner really cut it? And how do these firms cope with entrepreneurial and sparky grads who see innovation proceed at a snails pace or, even worse, stifled completely. 

Technology will provide some of the answers, but not all. Alternative providers again will provide some answers, but not all (and we haven't yet seen anything really different).

There is a real opportunity for far-sighted professional services firms to explore what tomorrow's firm might look like, and at the same time really differentiate themselves in an over-crowded market.