I have had the privilege of editing The PSMG Magazine on behalf of the Professional Services Marketing Group for the past 12 years, whilst at the same time building a successful PR and communications consulting firm, Coast.
I have, after much discussion, taken the very difficult decision to step down as editor, and let somebody else have a go.
I would like to take few moments to share some of the things I have learnt over those 12 years.
An enormous amount has changed in our sector. It has grown is size, ability and in professionalism, and attracts some of the brightest marketing professionals I know. I believe we, as a community, stand head and shoulders above some of the marketing teams in companies outside of our sector.
Collectively, we have pulled professional services firms up by the boot straps, and introduced an truly impressive degree of professionalism in the way our firms engage with their clients.
Perhaps the biggest change has, rightly, been the shift away from comms-led marketing to a business development approach. PR and marketing communication should always support a firm’s wider strategy, not drive it.
For all the great strides marketing, communications and business development teams have made there is still so much to do.
Far too many fee-earners still fail to understand the role we play and the benefit we can bring - our contributions often do not receive the recognition deserved. That is a failing on our part. We are too focused on supporting our professional colleagues and not celebrating our own achievements. I have tried to address that in this magazine, but there is still some way to go.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this magazine over the past 12 years; you make this magazine the essential read for professional services marketers. I would also like to thank Gail Jaffa and everyone at the PSMG for allowing me to edit and contribute to this magazine for as long as I have.
The latest edition of The PSMG Magazine can be found via the following link - http://e-pagesltd.com/PSMGAut2016/index.html