Whether running your own business or working for another organisation, there is careers advice that you pick up along the way, that sticks with you. In my case, it was the saying that "you are only as good as your last piece of work." It is a great motivator to understand that every day starts afresh and clients expect you to deliver these excellent results day after day.
I don't know who said it to me, but it is something I always think, especially when I have that smug glow of satisfaction after achieving a great result for a client.
Being a consultant you are exposed to many different individuals, organisations and workplace cultures and you have a unique opportunity to learn from and refine these gems of knowledge. Here are a few others in a neat article, which may be helpful to know along the journey, whatever career you choose.
"Understand when people see you check your phone at every call, then don't answer when they call, they then know you put them on a low priority." — Mike Leary