Corporate culture is a difficult thing to define.  Whilst it is easy to spot an unhealthy corporate culture, it is much harder to identify one that is healthy. 

I am not often found exploring the Financial Reporting Council's website, but it has just published a fascinating report that explores every aspect of corporate culture. 

The report can be downloaded free of charge via the following link: 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it focuses on the role of a company's leadership and board in creating and maintaining a healthy corporate culture, and the value that can bring. 

But corporate culture does not just rest with senior management.  It is established by the acts of us all - much in the same way as a company's brand. 

Communications professionals play a vital role in helping a company and its management articulate that culture.  

The challenge, however, for professional communicators is how to respond and challenge those that have a toxic influence on culture.  

Whilst outside of the FRC's remit, that would be worthy of further research.