The use of film in professional services has been a hit and miss affair. For the 20 plus years I have worked in this sector video has been on the tip of our collective tongues.
Some firms have embraced video, others have placed a tentative toe in the water, and the rest, well, perhaps they have a face better suited to radio.
Video is a terrific format for professional services firms. Using two minutes to capture and explain a key point of law, a top practice tip or, even better, an interview with a client can be immensely powerful.
The key to making video work is to take a step back and decide what is the best format to communicate the message. Complex messages may be better explained via the written word. Video works best when there is just one or two key points need to be made.
Remember also that there is no place to hide on camera. In a world where we are used to slick and high production values, forget the 'am-dram' approach. Script, rehearse and invest in good editing.
Video in B2B seems to be talk of the town at the moment, with marketers across the land keen to know what role video plays in their overall marketing mix. With so many companies failing to capitalise on its potential, we spoke to agency and client-side marketers to find out how to get started.