Knowledge management (KM) takes many different forms in professional services firms, from practice-specific PSLs to more formalised teams and structures.
The paths of PR and KM teams rarely cross, and that is to miss a trick.
KM professionals are more than just a source of legal and technical knowledge, and certainly more than the IT platforms they use. They can hold detailed knowledge of a specific practice area and the changing legal landscape. A really good one will understand the pressures clients might be facing at any given time.
As Andrew Hedley in this article argues that KM is, in its broadest sense, business development knowledge.
PR teams should plug into the KM teams, work alongside them and use their insights to create ideas for press and client communications.
A Knowledge-led Approach to Business Development is Key to Law Firm Resilience There is a nexus between business development and knowledge management that few firms exploit to the maximum; indeed, in many cases, they do not actively exploit at all. When boiled down to its base elements, all that a law firm does is leverage knowledge and relationships. The key strategic question is how to unearth and use the latent knowledge embedded in the relationships between the firm and its clients, prospects, contacts, intermediaries, people and wider stakeholders.