I have often wondered what might be the best time of day to post to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook?
Posts mid-morning or mid-afternoon often go unnoticed, whilst those posted before 9am (such as this one - 08.30) seem to get better traction.
Well, it seems I wasn't the only one.
These chaps in the US have carried out some interesting research amongst professional services firms on best time of day, and best days of the week, to drive social media engagement.
The results have one or two surprises, and some quite predictable - who would have thought that nobody reads social media posts on a Friday night!
We’ve specifically collected data on when professionals view business content shared via LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. This is not the same data you will see in the surveys from Hootsuite or Buffer – both of which are outstanding surveys of millions of tweets and shares, this is data highly focused on viewers of content related to law, accounting, insurance, recruiting, and other professional services. We will refer to these types of shares as pro-shares, short for professional social media shares. The results are not surprising, almost nobody reads pro-shares over the weekend. Very few read pro-shares on Fridays or late at night.