Interesting article which for many of us over a certain age will make absolute sense. For the generation who have only ever known life with social media, I think they often miss out on understanding the bigger picture around the news agenda.
I do unfortunately find some journalists of this generation have little respect for this 'bigger picture', which can cause difficulties for clients and of course us PR's in the middle.
And it is not possible to ring-fence these new media in such a way that they don’t influence more traditional media. All, from newspapers to radio programmes to television stations, are finding themselves caught up in the whirlwind that demands instant reaction, allowing virtually no time for reflection or application of critical judgment... The internet and social media cannot be uninvented. However, if journalists and programme-makers allow the urgent and the trivial to drive out the important, and if they frequently sacrifice judgment to speed, there will be a breakdown in trust and respect for the media.”