Research from the legal IT people Peppermint suggests that lawyers are not very good at keeping in touch with their clients once a deal or piece of work is complete. They lag behind accountants and management consultants.
That doesn't surprise me. The transactional nature of their work often means that as soon as one piece of work is completed it is straight on to something else.
Technology isn't going to resolve that problem (sorry Peppermint).
Good old fashioned marketing practice, that creates opportunities for conversations, supported by technology, is what is needed.
And if the lawyers aren't capable of that, well that's what marketing teams are for.
Lawyers are among the worst professionals at maintaining regular client contact, new research shows, trailing well behind accountants and management consultants. A third of law firms do not maintain a regular relationship with their clients once a matter has been completed, compared with 26 per cent of accountants and 13 per cent of management advisers.